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Treatment Options

Although there is no cure for multiple myeloma, it’s still important to treat it.

Many treatment options have been approved in recent years. People diagnosed today are now living longer than they would have if they were diagnosed 10 years ago.

If you are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, your primary physician will send you to get treated by an oncologist, a doctor who specializes in treating cancer, or a hematologist, a doctor specializing in treating blood disorders. Your oncologist or hematologist might talk with you about many different treatment options.

Targeted therapies

Treatments that focus on specific features that are present on cancer cells and attack them.


Treatments that work with a patient’s own immune system to find and fight cells, including cancer cells and healthy cells.
You can learn more about a type of immunotherapy here >


Steroids help relieve inflammation in the body. They also kill myeloma cells.

Stem cell transplant

A medical procedure that may be used as a treatment for multiple myeloma. It replaces unhealthy stem cells with healthy stem cells in the bone marrow.
You can learn more about stem cell transplants here >

Chemotherapy and other drugs

Treatment with drugs that are meant to destroy or control cancer cells. Chemotherapy may harm healthy surrounding cells.

Care for symptoms and side effects

Multiple myeloma can cause many symptoms, and treatment can cause uncomfortable side effects. Your healthcare team may recommend different ways to help relieve these symptoms and side effects.

Resources to help you find a treatment center

Choosing the right healthcare team is a very important part of care. These resources may help you find a treatment center and team near you:

themmrf.org >
sparkcures.com >

Information about these independent organizations is provided as an additional resource for obtaining information related to multiple myeloma. It does not indicate endorsement by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company of an organization or its communications.

Your healthcare team is your best source of information.

Related information

How Treatment Might Make You Feel

Learn about some possible side effects and what may be expected from multiple myeloma treatment.

Stem Cell Transplant Overview

An introduction to stem cell transplant and how it’s used in the treatment of multiple myeloma.

Treatment After a Stem Cell Transplant

Learn why you may need to keep treating multiple myeloma, even after a stem cell transplant.

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